Yea I know I'm late to this but still 100 follower. I mean Really, One Fucking Hundred People like the stuff that I make? rather insane I would say myself..

But!! I'll cover the special Stuff for the 100 Follower After we get some stuff out of the way. So lets get right into business shall We?
For starters Sprites that I've been working on and or Finished Sprites that I've been doing. (Which is Rather Short Because I've been Lazy So Sorry about that :( )

Grunt. Made by: Zach. H And LK - Gross. (DONE)

Nexus Core Agent and Scout. By: Zach. H And LK - Gross. (W.I.P)

Nexus Core Engineer. By: Zach. H And LK - Gross. (W.I.P)

Zach. H's Version Of The UNFINSHED MAG. By: Zach. H and JSoull.

ShootDaCheese's Version Of The UNFINSHED MAG. By: Zach. H and ShootDaCheese.
And I think that's It For the Sprites that I've been working on wait no there's More Sprites I've made But there Private so I can't show ya.
Alright I think its time to get the 100 Follower thing out of the way. the special Stuff that I've got planned are Two things.
One: A Q&A, so if you want to ask question about what I do or anything else just ask and I'll give ya an answer (Please don't ask too personal questions like My Name, address, Phone Number etc.)
Two: so I've Done this in the Past and Well I think its time to bring it Back Yea? And you might be saying to yourself, But Zach what did you do? Well to answer that is the List of Sprites Are Coming Back!!! Yes, you read that correctly its Back
and Like Last time you can tell me what Sprites you'd Like to see me Make, So Here's the list of Sprites that I have Down so Far. (Note: I Will not be making any OC's or anything that's not from Madness Combat)

I'll also Be Streaming me Making either Some or All of these Sprites so Check out my YT when ya get some free time!
(Here's the Link to it if you can't find it
Alright I think that's it for the post, Thanks for 100 Followers guy's I really appreciate it.
Anyways Its Time for me To Head Out! I'll see ya Peeps Later!
Zach. H <3
Edit#1: Forgot to mention that I'll keep you guys Updated on the Sprite list when that gets filled Out.